Welcome. This web site was created to provide you with a wide range of resources in food engineering. Many of these topics are based on research conducted by a number of my former students and associates during their stay at the Food Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Davis, California.
You will find research proposals and reports on topics such as food dehydration, freezing, thawing, frying, contact-cooking, energy conservation, time-temperature indicators, design of food processing equipment and modeling of fluid flow in the human gut. Several papers presented at national and international meetings are provided.
If you are a student or an instructor engaged in learning and teaching food engineering, this site includes lecture materials for typical courses taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Animated graphics are provided to enhance learning of new concepts. Information is provided on textbooks on food engineering.
Explore this site if you are seeking new equipment for a food plant, or a reference book.
I hope you find topics on food engineering challenging and rewarding. Your feedback is important to me in preparing future additions to this website.
R. Paul Singh
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Food Engineering
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Department of Food Science and Technology
University of California, Davis, CA 95616