Introduction to Food Engineering

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Food Dehydration - Drying Time, Food Dehydration Systems

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

  1. predict drying time during constant rate drying period
  2. predict drying time during falling rate period
  3. describe different types of food dehydration systems

When foods with high moisture content are dried, they often exhibit a constant-rate period before the falling-rate period. In this module, we will obtain mathematical equations to estimate the drying time for these two rate periods. We will also view different types of dehydration systems used in the food industry. In the following video, we will consider the constant rate period and develop equations to predict drying time.

The constant-rate drying period precedes the falling-rate period. For some food products with low initial moisture content, the constant-rate drying period is absent; we observe only the falling rate period. In the next video, we will consider the mathematical development of an equation to predict drying time for a falling rate period

There are numerous types of dryers used in the food industry. In the next video, you will view animations of some of the more common types of dryers.


In this module, you learned how to obtain mathematical equations to estimate drying times for constant-rate and falling-rate periods. You also viewed different types of drying systems used in the food industry.